Danish Decommissioning

Danish Decommissioning is a state-owned company, established in 2003, which is now part of the Ministry of Higher Education and Science. Danish Decommissioning is located at Risø with approximately 85 employees who handle a number of different and in some cases highly specialized tasks: planning of decommissioning, dismantling of facilities, waste management, operation and maintenance, radiation protection of employees and surroundings, administration, etc. Some of the employees know the nuclear facilities from when they were in operation.

Danish Decommissioning's primary tasks at Risø are:

  • To dismantle the six original nuclear facilities at Risø. The decommissioning must be safe, environmentally sound and economically optimal.
  • To receive, treat and store radioactive waste from Danish users of radioactive isotopes.
  • To participate in the process that will lead to a long-term solution for radioactive waste by 2073 at the latest. Until then, Danish Decommissioning will store the waste.