Aerbio, which has moved researchers and activities to Denmark, has initially established itself in premises at DTU Link on Risø Campus with a team of six people and great growth potential.
Aerbio is working with a ground-breaking technology that converts CO2 and hydrogen into powdered protein via a fermentation process. The company is already well advanced in its development and aims to build both a test factory and a demo factory in Denmark within the next few years. Risø, with its close ties to DTU's research environments and test facilities, is a particularly attractive choice.
"With the technical and commercial foundations for Aerbio's long-term success in place, we are now preparing for a period of rapid growth. And with more colleagues on the way, we need a physical base and a meeting place to strengthen our culture. Risø Gateway fulfills this need, while giving us proximity to DTU's world-leading expertise. In addition, there is room to expand if we choose to make Risø our permanent home," says Aerbio CEO, Kaspar Kristiansen.
Risø Gateway's ambition is to develop the Risø area into an international hotspot within energy technology, energy systems and biosolutions, where companies, researchers and students can collaborate to develop, test and market solutions for the green transition. DTU's Executive Vice President, Carsten Orth Gaarn-Larsen, is therefore also very excited to welcome Aerbio:
"At Risø Gateway, we aim to become a world leader in bridging key areas for a sustainable future. Aerbio links two of these - renewable energy systems and biosolutions. This is exactly the type of innovative solutions we want to bring to the market."
Read more about Aerbio: https://aer.bio